9 Tips For Better Retail Security
Ensuring your retail security set up is the best it can be will help prevent all sorts of issues and problems. There are many things that can pose problems and this piece is there to identify them and in doing so help you prevent them.
Maximize Visibility:
The first step to take in loss prevention is to keep a close eye on your merchandise. Shorter displays should be placed close to your registers and tall displays should be close to the store’s perimeter so that all of your merchandise is visible from your vantage point. Use mirrors so that any blind spots are eliminated, and make sure your store is kept neat and tidy. That will allow your employees to be able to tell from just a glance when something is out of place or missing.
Display Your Shoplifting Policy: According to shop insurance site shopinsurances.net, one of the first things you need to do is to develop your shoplifting policy and then make sure it is communicated to your customers by having posted signs in your store. Having posted statements like “Shoplifters Will Be Prosecuted” is often an effective deterrent.
Make Your Security Systems Visible: Whether you are using security guards, motion sensors, fake cameras or security mirrors, your security systems should be visible to customers. When they know that you have security measures instituted it will help to discourage shoplifters.
Lock Up Your Items: Protect your merchandise through limiting access and monitoring dressing rooms and display cases. Requiring assistance from an employee for certain products will provide them with extra defense and protection.
Move Your Registers:
When you have your cash registers next to the exit and entry points of your stores, it forces customers to walk past your employees whenever they are coming and going. Be sure there are employees at your registers at all times and train your employees to keep a close watch on customers.
Stay Aware: In your store your employees should always be on the alert, specially during restocking, closing and opening hours. Be aware of which of your merchandise appeals to shoplifters the most (hint: expensive and/or small items) and make sure it is place in prominent places, where employees can keep an eye on it.
Know How To Recognize A Shoplifter: There are certain behaviors that your employees should be alert for.
Watch out for customers who leave and return repeatedly, hang out in areas that are hard to monitor, wander around the store aimlessly, stare at other customers or employees or appear to be nervous.
Have A Presence: Make sure that every customer is greeted and offer assistance throughout the entire shopping process. Your presence will not only remind potential shoplifters that they are being watched, but this will also help you track your merchandise, particularly items going in and out of your dressing rooms.
Have A Bag-Check Policy: Customers should not be allowed to bring backpacks and bags into dressing rooms, since they can be used for hiding merchandise. Ask that bags be checked with one of your employees before the customer enters your store or dressing room.