
5 Tips For An Office Winter Clean

Your business as well as your own professional image can be quite severely judged by customers, clients and employees alike on the cleanliness of your workspace. If a client was to enter the premises and find out-dated décor accompanied by coffee cups strewn across your desk, you can be quite certain that they will want to run a mile. Even for your own benefit, you should be working hard to maintain a clean and tidy office all year around.

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Organised Stationary

When you are super busy and running from desk to desk, keeping your stationary organised is not at the top of your priorities. However, it is always best to imagine that a client or prospective client is going to be visiting you. Will they want to paperwork surrounding your desk or various personal items carelessly laying around? The simple answer is no and there are ways to avoid this. Your winter clean this year includes taking the time to invest in a set of desk trays and a pen pot. Even choosing a set of drawers is a fantastic way to keep personal affects out of sight and extremely safe.

Great Lighting

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Summer is long behind us and the colder, darker months are drawing closer. You do not want to be sat in an office with horrendous lighting which looks a little bit like a horror movie. Take the time to check that all of your lights are working correctly and perhaps invest in quite a few spare energy efficient bulbs for emergency situations. It’s not just about an aesthetically pleasing office, you absolutely need great lighting to see what you are doing!

Professional Décor

Not the simplest of tasks and ones that may require further planning, but definitely important details to note. When a professional body walks into your office, does it actually look good? If the answer is yes then you can move onto our next tip. However, if a quick glance around makes you feel a little uncomfortable and you can do something about it – do it! Workspaces should not only be aesthetically pleasing to the client, they should also be appropriately decorated for you. Whether you can replace old curtains with professional commercial blinds, from specialists like Swanmac Blinds, or spruce up the décor with a lick of paint, it’s important that you take the necessary steps to keep your office looking superb. 

Tidy Technology

Very often, technology is vital to an office space and it is essential that it remains in a good condition. There will be numerous electrical safety tests that will take place throughout the year which you are not responsible for. However, the overall quality of your computers can be maintained on a daily basis. Ensure that cables are tucked away securely, minimising any risks such as tripping or damaging wires. Make sure no hot drinks are left near any bits of technology and you’re pretty much good to go!

General Cleanliness

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Quite an obvious point and therefore not a long one! Keep your office clean at all times. A mop, duster and a few cleaning chemicals can be kept in a cupboard for a quick clean throughout the week. Neither you nor your client wants to see dust collecting in the corners or overflowing bins filled with leftover food. Take the time to clean it up and maintain the professional image you desire this winter.


Yoav Farbey

Contributing writer to the Startup Magazine.