Staffing / Careers

3 Future-Proof Careers to Consider

The rise of technology and innovation in digital services has rendered many once thought of as future-proof careers obsolete in recent years. Careers that were once considered to stand the test of time are no longer relevant to a modern lifestyle.

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Telephone switchboard operators, photo lab technicians, and more are expected to be largely obsolete by 2030, while social media managers, cashiers, manual software testers, and vigorous other roles will also be potentially obsolete too.

But what makes a future-proof career, and how can you find a career that won’t force you out of a job in a few years? While there’s no definitive answer, there are job roles that are in demand and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future, providing a sense of security and stability.

Healthcare Services

Healthcare, despite the drastic revolution brought by technology and AI, remains a field where the human touch is irreplaceable. This resilience of healthcare careers in the face of technological advancements should instill a sense of security and optimism about the future.

From EMT workers to therapists, nurses, and, of course, brain surgeons, there is a wide array of roles at various levels you can choose from to ensure your relevance and usefulness now and in the future. For instance, becoming a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant are roles that are expected to be in high demand. Check out healthcare careers at Royal Ambulance to see how you can get started on a new healthcare career.


Everyone needs to eat. That’s a given, and food will always be a massive part of everyone’s lives. This makes a career as a chef or in the food industry a stable and reliable choice. While the rise of the robot server might put server positions in question in the coming years, if you are more focused on the kitchen and creation of meals and recipes, you can ensure a long-lasting career. Whether you choose to head back to college to retrain as a chef, teach yourself kitchen skills and become a food influencer, or start your own food service business, the need for tasty meals will always be there.


Teachers will always be in demand. Again, like healthcare, teaching has benefitted in recent years from introducing many digital services in the classroom. However, a teacher’s personal touch and guidance can never be underestimated.


Plus, it’s never too late to gain the qualifications to become a teacher in any capacity. You can choose to train to teach children of any age in the classroom, teach virtually, help others learn to play instruments and languages, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and much more. Whatever you enjoy teaching, you can train in and see where this career can take you.

If you are looking to start a new career, and are considering roles that are in demand now and will be for the future, these are just three options you can consider retraining in to not only ensure you have a job but also ind career satisfaction moving forward.
